
Hebrew and Arabic Studies In honor of Joshua Blau (in Hebrew)
Prof. Joshua Blau (b. 1919) is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the third President of the Academy of the Hebrew Language, a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, winner of the Rothschild Prize (1992) and the Israel Prize (1985). Prof. Blau studied the Middle Arabic dialects (mainly Judeo-Arabic) and various problems in Semitic Linguistics (mainly the development of Biblical Hebrew).
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- O. Tirosh-Becker (compiler): A bibliography of the Writings of Prof. Blau
- I. Avishur: Elements of the Arabic Dialect of Iraq in Saadiya's Judaeo-Arabic
- U. Ornan: "A statute for Ever"
- I. Eldar: On Two Grammatical Terms: "Khāssiyyat al-ḥarf" (Phonetic Property of a Letter) and "Iftiqār" (Combinatorial Requirement)
- E. Almagor: The Damascus Redaction of the Homilies on the Pentateuch Attributed to David b. Abraham Maimuni
- I. Ben-David: The Accents ʿole-wěyored and ittěnahěta in the Books of Job, Proverbs and Psalms
- Z. Ben-Hayyim: The Gleanings of Ephraim
- H. Ben-Shammai: Judaeo-Arabic Abraham Story of Muslim Origin – New Fragments
- M. Bar-Asher: The Hebrew Component in the Judaeo-Arabic Dialect of Algeria (the Communities of Tlemcen and Ain Temouchent)
- M. Gil: The Story of Bahīrā and Its Jewish Versions
- D. Doron: A Panegyric to Yehuda ha-Kohen Abu 'l-Barakāt al-Kātib
- A. Dotan: The Infinitive of the Puʿal Conjugation
- S. Hopkins: Grammatical Corrections and Elevation of Style in Maimonides's Commentary on the Mishna
- M. Weizmann: The Qaddish Prayer and the Peshitta of Chronicles
- Y. Tobi: A Second Manuscript of Kitāb Islāh al-Akhlāq by Solomon Ibn Gabirol
- A. Tal: Lexicographical Studies
- Y. Yahalom: Verbal Suffixes in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
- I. Yeivin: Marking of Shewa-Gaʿya in Biblical Manuscripts
- S. Moreh: Hebrew Words and Baghdadi Judaeo-Arabic Dialect in the Poetry of the Iraqi Poet Mulla ʿAbbud al-Karkhi (1861-1946)
- A. Mirsky: Biblical Language and Targumic Idioms in Medieval Hebrew Poetry
- M. Mishor: Second Radical of Infinitive לפעֹלwithout Dageš Lene
- M. Sokolow: Exegesis on Haʾazīnū in the Geonic Period
- S. Stroumsa: On the Maimonidean Controversy in the East: the Role of Abu 'l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī
- M. Piamenta: Contrastive Syntax of the Eastern-Arabic Translations of Psalms XIX
- M. A. Friedman: New Fragments from the Geniza of Maimonides' Responsa (With Addenda to the Published Responsa)
- G. B. Sarfatti: Mishnat ha-Middot
- M. Z. Kaddari: Lefi Shaʿa – a Diachronic Study
- E. Rubinstein (ז"ל): The Non-Expression of Modality in Biblical Hebrew
- H. B. Rosén: Notes on Biblical Hebrew Verbal Morphology
- Y. Ratzaby: Jewish Affairs in Non-Jewish Courts in Yemen
- M. Schwarz: Another Thirteen Chapters of the Guide of the Perplexed in a Modern Hebrew Translation
- R. C. Steiner: Emphatic פ in the Massoretic Pronunciation of אַפַּדְנוֹ (Dan 11:45
- H. Shy: Personal Style in Medieval Judaeo-Arabic
- S. Sharvit: The Distribution of the Feminine Participle Allomorphs in Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew