About JSAI

Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering the study of classical Islam, Islamic religious thought, Arabic language and literature, the origins of Islamic institutions, and the interaction between Islam and other civilizations. It is published once a year (if a volume exceeds 500 pages, it will split it into two volumes in that year) by The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation, which is the "flagship" project of the Institute of Asian and African Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation holds an international conference and colloquium under the name "From Jāhiliyya To Islam"; this was initiated by Prof. Meir J. Kister. Papers presented at the qolloquium are later peer-reviewed and published in JSAI.

The founding editor of the jouranl was Meir J. Kister. Since 1993, the editor is Yohanan Friedmann; in 2023 Meir Bar-Asher has joined him in this position. The editorial board consists of leading researchers from the Institute of Asian and African Studies at the Hebrew University and other universities: Reuven Amitai, Albert Arazi, Meir M. Bar-Asher, Michael Ebstein, Yohanan Friedmann, Livnat Holtzman, Simon Hopkins, Etan Kohlberg, Ella Landau-Tasseron, Amir Lerner, Rachel Milstein, Julia Rubanovich, Arin Salamah-Qudsi, Adam Silverstein, Nurit Tsafrir, and Joseph Witztum.

The first volume of JSAI was published in 1979. In 2019, two volumes were published: 46 (2019) and 47 (2019). Volume 46 includes papers presented  at the Thirteenth International Conference “From Jāhiliyya to Islam,” held at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem, 4–6 July 2016.

Volumes 49 (2020) and 50 (2021) are Studies in Honour of Ella Landau-Tasseron. Volumes 51 (2021), 52 (2022), and 53 (2022) include papers presented  at the Fourteenth International Conference “From Jāhiliyya to Islam,” held at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem, 1–4 July 2019. 

Volume 54 (2023) is a Festschrift in honour of Prof. Moshe Sharon of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with papers ranging from classical Islam to the Baha'i Faith.


Contact Information:

The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation
The Institute of Asian and African Studies
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus
Jerusalem 91905, Israel

Email: msjsai@mail.huji.ac.il
Tel: +972-2-588-3712