
This tribute to the memory of Gaston Wiet, who died in 1971, consists of 28 articles which, with four exceptions, treat aspects of Islamic civilization: its historical developments, its expression in art, architecture, and literature; its manifestations as a religion in theory and practice. Three of the four exceptions deal with Sasanian studies, the fourth is devoted to the Crusades.
The twenty-four articles concerning Islamic civilization were intended to be, and are, as diverse and wide in scope as Wiet's own interests and publications. In terms of time they stretch from the Sasanian period until the present day.
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- R. Grishman, Le harnais de tête en Iran
- R. N. Frye, The Sasanian System of Walls for Defense
- S. Shaked, Jewish and Christian Seals of the Sasanian Period
- M. J. Kister, The Battle of the Ḥarra. Some Socio-Economic Aspects
- O. Grabar, Notes sur les cérémonies umayyades
- P. Balog, Pious Invocations Probably Used as Titles of Office or as Honorific Titles in Umayyad and ʿAbbāsid Times
- J. Lassner, Did the Caliph Abū Jaʿfar al-Manṣūr Murder his Uncle ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAlī and Other Problems within the Ruling House of the ʿAbbāsids
- S. Pines, La collusion entre les Byzantins et la subversion islamique et la lettre injurieuse d'un "roi" de Byzance (Deux extraits d'ʿAbd al-Jabbār)
- A. Launois, Sur quelques acpects de la monnaie musulmane
- J. Sadan, Vin – fait de civilisation
- A. Grabar, Refléts de l’art islamique sur les peintures et les reliefs médiévaux en Italie méridionalle (Xème-XIIIème siècles)
- J. Prawer, The Earliest Commune of Tripoli and the “Tower of the Mint”
- M. Sharon, The Ayyūbid Walls of Jerusalem: A New Inscription from the Time of Al-Muʿaẓẓam ʿĪsā
- M. Rosen-Ayalon, A Silver Ring from Medieval Islamic Times
- E. Ashtor, Quelques problèms que soulève l’histoire des prix dans l’Orient médiéval
- W. M. Brinner, Dār al-Saʿāda and Dār al-ʿAdl in in Mamlūk Damascus
- B. Flemming, Literary Activities in Mamlūk Halls and Barracks
- Sh. Tamari, Two Further Inscriptions from Qalʿat al-Jundī
- D. Ayalon, The Eunuchs in the Mamlūk Sultanate
- O. Kurz, Mamlūk Heraldry and Interpretatio Christiana
- Y. Friedmann, A Contribution to the Early History of Islam in India
- L. Golombek, Mazār-i Sharīf – A Case of Mistaken Identity?
- R. Ettinghausen, Abrī Painting
- R. Milstein, Ṣufī Elements in Late Fifteenth Century Herāt Painting
- P. Shinar, Traditional and Reformist Mawlid Celebrations in the Maghrib
- S. Moreh, Technique and Form in Modern Arabic Poetry up to World War II
- M. Milson, Religion and Revolution in an Allegory by Najīb Maḥfūẓ. A Study of “Rūḥ ṭabīb al-qulūb”
- M. Zand, What is the Tress Like? Notes on a Group of Standard Persian Metaphors